The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

Tatiana Solomatina

Tatiana Solomatina Director of OOO Zdorovye (Health).

Born on 21.04.1956 in Kuleyevo village of Kargasoksky District (Tomsk Oblast).

Graduated from Siberian State Medical University with a degree in General Medicine in 1979. Doctor of highest category, awarded with Health Care Expert pin, medical expert, PhD in medical sciences.

Was a head of a preventive examination clinic for over 30 years. In 1997 established the first private medical company MO Zdorovye, which implements social medical programs, including the program providing medical care to people in remote areas of Tomsk Oblast called as Clinic Boat.

Member of the Board of Chief Physicians of Tomsk Oblast and the Expert Council for Social Policy under the Deputy Governor of Tomsk Oblast.

Married, has a daughter.
Deputies. 5th convocation

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