The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast


Tomsk oblast is one of the most dynamically developed regions of Russia. The economics of the oblast has a differential structure, where oil and gas industry and science intensive branches predominate.

Tomsk Oblast on map of Russian Federation

Status A constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of Siberian Federal District
Official language Russian
Time zone MSK+3 (UTC+6, in summer UTC+7)
Telephone code of Tomsk +7 382-2
Location Western Siberia (latitude 56-61° north, longitude 75-80° east)
Area 316 900 km2 (1,9 % of the territory of the Russian Federation, 16th position among the constituent entities of the RF), over 85% of the territory is regarded as difficult of access and similar to territories of Far North
Administrative center Tomsk (56° 30'31'' of North latitude and 84° 58'47'' of East longitude, it was founded in 1604, population is 507,4 thousands of people, distance as far as Moscow is 3500 km by the railway)
Contiguous constituent entities of the Russian Federation Krasnoyarsk Territory (in the East), Kemerovo and Novosibirsk Oblasts (in the South), Omsk and Tyumen Oblasts (in the West), Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District (in the North-West and in the North)
Climate Extremely continental, average annual temperature -0,6 degree C in the South, up to -3,5 degree C in the North-East
The highest point +274 m abowe the sea level
The lowest point +34 m abowe the sea level
Forests Forests cover 63 % of the territory. Total timber reserves are 2,6 bn m3. The annual trade stock stock of wild-growing plants (berries, mushrooms, cedar nuts, herbs, etc) in money equivalent is about 100 bn US dollars
The largest rivers The Ob, the Tom, the Ket, the Chulym.
The largest lake The Mirnoe, 18,3 km2
The largest swamp The Vasyugan swamp with the area 53,000 km2 (the largest swamp in the world)
Natural resources Oil, gas, peat, kaolin, refractory clays, glass-making sands, ilmenite-zirconium sands, iron ores, bauxites, brown coal, zinc; minor deposits of gold, platinum, titanium and zirconium
Population as of January 1, 2011 1,046,700 people (0,7% of the population of Russia).
Population density 3,3 people per 1 km2
Average age 36 years old
Urban population 69%.
Ethnic composition The Russians - 91%, the Tartars, the Ukrainians, the Germans, the Chuvashes, the Belarusians, the Bashkirs and the Jews (2.0-0.1%), about 80 nationalities in total, national minorities - the Chulyms and the Kets (less than 100 people)
Political system
Executive power Administration of Tomsk Oblast
Head of the executive power Head of the Administration (Governor) of Tomsk Oblast, Sergey A. Zhvachkin (since 2012)
Legislative power Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast (42 deputies)
Head of the legislative power Chairman of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast, Oksana V. Kozlovskaya (since 2011)
Administrative division 4 urban districts, 16 municipal districts (include 3 urban and 117 rural settlements, 576 villages). 140 municipal formations
Economic region West-Siberian
Gross Regional Product (GRP) in 2010 (in basic prices) 281.7 billion rubles (almost 1% of the Russian GDP)
Export in 2010 612.7 million US dollars
Import in 2010 172.5 million US dollars.
Leading industries Mechanical engineering and metal processing, oil and gas production, chemical, forest and woodworking, food, agriculture (wheat, rye, barley; dairy and meat cattle breeding, pig-breeding, poultry-keeping), fishery, fur trade and farming
Main industrial centers Tomsk, Seversk, Asino, Kolpashevo, Strezhevoy
Highways 6405 km of hard surface roads; two district centers (Alexsandrovskoe, Bely Yar) and two towns (Strezhevoy and Kedrovy) do not have hard-surface road links with Tomsk; in November-March "winter roads" are used to deliver goods to the Oblast North.
Railways 345 km, the main line Bely Yar-Tomsk-Taiga
Inland navigation About 5000 km in the basin of the river Ob and its inflows (duration of the navigation period is 170-180 days)
Air communication The main airports are in Tomsk and Strezhevoy,; mainly passenger traffic
Mains voltage 220 V, 50 Hz

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