The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast


Tomsk Oblast in ratings Agency "Standard & Poor's".

- June 13, 2011. Long-term credit rating was raised to BB-. The national scale rating was raised from ruA to ruAA-. The outlook for both ratings is stable. Recovery rating at 3, unchanged.

- September 16, 2010. Long-term credit rating was raised to B+ with positive outlook. The national scale rating was raised from ruA- to ruA.

- April 30, 2010. Tomsk Oblast long-term credit rating and national scale rating were raised from В-/ruBBB to В/ruА- with positive outlooks for both ratings.

- February 25, 2010. The outlook for the ratings of Tomsk Oblast was revised from stable to positive. The long-term credit rating B- and national scale rating ruBBB were reaffirmed.

- October 2, 2009. The rating outlook for Tomsk Oblast upgraded from negative to stable. Long-term Issuer Credit Rating affirmed at ‘B-’ and on the national scale at ‘ruBBB’.

- 24 March 2009. The Long Term Issue Credit Rating of 'B-' and athe national rating of 'ruBBB' have been affirmed. The ratings have been removed from CreditWatch (ratings under review), negative.

- 25 February 2009. The Long Term Issue Credit Rating of Tomsk Oblast has been lowered from 'B+' to 'B-' and the national rating from 'ruA+' to 'ruBBB'. The ratings remain on CreditWatch, negative.

- 24 February 2009. The rating of Tomsk Oblast (long-term rating «B+" and «ruA+" on the national scale) is placed in the CreditWatch list with a forecast "negative".

- December 2008. ‘B+’ long-term credit rating and ‘ruA+’ Russian national scale rating removed from CreditWatch (foreign currency liability rating BBB/Negative/A-3; national currency liability rating ВВВ+/Negative/A-2; the Russian scale: ruAAA). The outlook is negative.

- September of 2008. The rating of Tomsk Oblast (long-term rating «B+" and «ruA+" on the national scale) is placed in the CreditWatch list with a forecast "negative".

- May 2008. A long-term credit rating “B+/Stable/” on the international scale in foreign and national currency is assigned.

- September 2007. Rating confirmed on level "ruA+".

- September 2006. Rating increased to "ruA+" from "ruA".

- September 2004. Rating increased to "ruA" from "ruA-".

- September 2003. Initial rating "ruA-", Russian scale of credit rating, was conferred.

- Rating on Russian scale "ruA+": suggested scope of issue of Tomsk Oblast inner high-priority unsecured bonds (January 2007).

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