The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast
Legislature of Tomsk Oblast is exercised by the population of the Oblast by means of referendum and freely elected legislative body of the Oblast.
The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast is a standing supreme and the only legislative body of the government of Tomsk Oblast.
The Duma exercises its powers by passing laws, making decisions, statements, and control activity.
Decisions of the Duma are outlined in resolutions unless otherwise provided by the current legislation.
The Charter (The Basic Law) of Tomsk Oblast and the amendments to it are adopted by the majority, not less than two thirds of the deputies of the Duma. Laws are passed by the majority of votes from the established number of deputies of the Duma unless otherwise provided by the Federal legislation. Resolutions and other statements of the Duma are passed by the majority of votes from the number of elected deputies of the Duma.
The legislation of Tomsk Oblast is considered by the Duma not less than in two readings.
Laws and other standard legal acts of the Oblast come into force since the day of its official publication unless otherwise provided the current legislation.