The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

News Archive

28.02.2008 XIII Session of the Tomsk Oblast State Duma
Speech of Boris A. Maltsev 39 issues on the agenda. The deputies of the Oblast Duma considered and approved a draft of Tomsk Oblast Energy Strategy till 2020. It is a regional document which sets goals for various sectors of the regional energy complex, for the regional economy on the whole, and for regional and local authorities. More...
22.02.2008 New Names on “The Brightest” List of Tomsk
Boris Maltsev, the speaker of the Oblast Duma, arranged a state reception to celebrate the laureates’ triumph
28 gifted young scientists and talented youngsters became laureates of the Tomsk Oblast State Duma Award 2007.
On February 19 Boris Maltsev, the speaker of the Oblast Duma, arranged a state reception to celebrate the laureates’ triumph. Almost all the applicants, their relatives, teachers, and scientific advisors were present.
12.02.2008 Our region is the most favorable one in terms of the legislative risk
Building of administration of Tomsk Oblast The national rating agency Expert RA publishes annual investment attractiveness ratings of Russian regions and territories. An “Attractiveness Rating” is the assessment of two main components: risk (probability of loosing investments and profits) and prospects. More...

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