The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

December 19, 2013. Address by Oksana Kozlovskaya
at the 26th Session of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

Oksana KozlovskayaIn opening the 26th session, the Speaker welcomed the attendees: deputies, Governor of Tomsk Oblast Sergey Zhvachkin and attending representatives of non-governmental organizations and mass media.

Oksana Kozlovskaya began the last Duma session in 2014 with summarizing the results of the year.

The world is facing economic slowdown, growth of unemployment and social strain in the USA and EU. The number of local armed conflicts is still high.

As you know, development of any country is to a large extent affected by the global situation. And Russia is no exception in this respect.

For the first time Russia has held the G20 Summit which was called as the most socially oriented. Amid the global political and financial problems, the major part of the final declaration covers anti-unemployment measures.
According to the world experts the unemployment rate in Russia in 2013 was significantly lower than that in many developed countries. And the GDP level secures Russia a steady position among the five largest economies of the world.

Among the national milestones:

  • 20th anniversary of the Russian Constitution – fundamental law securing integrity and stability of the country
  • Presidential decree establishing the highest labor award – the title Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Some bleak events of 2013 are seared into the people’s memories, i.e. floods in the Far East, a terrorist act in Volgograd and the tragedy in Kazan.

Our citizens will remember 2013 for the following momentous events:

  • Victory of two Tomsk universities in the federal contest among TOP-15 universities of the country
  • Opening of the international terminal and flights from the Tomsk airport
  • Tomsk mayor elections
  • Innovation Forum which determined a new format of relations between the region and the largest leading businesses in Russia
  • Olympic Torch Relay

The parliamentary year is coming to an end. The major portion of the Duma’s assignments this year was to execute the presidential decrees. It is premature to announce the final results but even now it is obvious that we have done much!

The average salary in the region grew by 12 % (29,392 rubles). This growth was certainly reached due to an increase in salaries in the public sector.

Demographics is improving both in Russia and in Tomsk Oblast. The birth rate exceeds the death rate in almost half of the Russian regions. The President said, “This is a very good performance. And it is essential to make it irreversible”.

We keep on attracting investments into the Oblast. The Investment Strategy of the region is close to completion. This document is going to be reviewed in early 2014.

The region has all chances to join the leaders of the national investment rating among the Russian regions, which is going to be introduced by the Russian Government starting from next year.

This year was very successful in cooperation between Tomsk enterprises and state-owned corporations such as Gazprom, Rosatom, Rosneft.

The deputies have passed over 800 laws and regulations in 2013, including 178 Oblast laws.

Interaction was improved between our Duma and the Federal Duma. In 2013, Duma committees have issued almost 300 resolutions and amendments to federal laws.

There are 34 items on today’s agenda.

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