The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

XIV Tomsk Innovation Forum

Boris Maltsev: Tomsk Forum
has become a respected public rostrum

On the eve of the XIVth Innovation Forum Speaker of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast Boris Maltsev shared his view on the importance of events like that for Tomsk people and Oblast Duma deputies.

Boris Maltsev

Both the order number of the forum and the list of participants are evidence that Tomsk Forum has indeed become a well-established public platform and a center of attraction for scientists, professionals, managers, university and scientific organization leaders, and everyone else involved in development of the new grand objective for Russia which is shaping an innovative economy.

But we gather at the annual forum in Tomsk not only to discuss innovations and suggest tentative solutions to problems. Our previous discussions have produced many a practical result such as an innovative infrastructure in Tomsk and many new solid innovative companies which stood firmly on the ground during the crisis and even delivered increased output and better economic performance. My opinion is, these are the most significant and illustrative results of our forum. This is firm evidence that we are on the right path.

At each forum we summarize results and set new targets, for the law-makers as well. Because providing a legal framework for the innovative activity is starting to build a respective institutional framework. The goals of the policy of innovations should be in line with the goals of the state’s industrial policy as such, and that is when “enforcement of innovations” and “manual control” are abandoned.

And I will not be misleading anyone in asserting that annual innovation forums held in Tomsk push us, deputies of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast, to engage more actively in the issues related to the innovative activity and consistently work on new relevant regulations. I hope, the forthcoming forum will again confirm that.

May 17, 2011

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