The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

June 17, 2010. First Secretary of the British Embassy in Moscow visited Tomsk

Mrs Knights
On June 16 and 17 the First Secretary for Science and Innovation of the British Embassy in Moscow Julia Knights was on a visit in Tomsk.

Mrs Knights met with the Deputy Governor of Tomsk Oblast for R&D and Innovation Policy and Education Vladislav Zinchenko, Chairman of the Presidium of the Tomsk Research Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Psakhye, and heads of three Tomsk universities.

Mrs Knights learned about the innovation system of Tomsk Oblast, the Oxford Russian Business Innovation Fund (ORBIT), and the results of the Russian-British program in Tomsk.

Also, she visited Tomsk Special Economic Zone of Technical Innovation Type. Mrs Knights was particularly interested in practical aspects of the SEZ project such as terms and durations of tax benefits, cooperation with RUSNANO, intellectual property protection, and interaction of special economic zones located in different regions.

Closing the meeting Mrs Knights said, “I would like to point out that this year the British Embassy established the Science and Innovation Sector, and the Government of Great Britain is striving to closely cooperate with Russia in those areas. I hope that during this visit the British and Russian Ministries of Science will sign an agreement which will fix key areas of cooperation, particularly nano- and energy-saving technology. These are exactly the areas where Tomsk has expertise. There are even more reasons for making friends – the next year is the Year of Science, and we together will commemorate Yuri Gagarin’s space flight.”

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