The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

November 26, 2008. XXII Session of the Tomsk Oblast State Duma

XXII Session of the Tomsk Oblast State Duma
38 issues including 27 bills on the agenda. After the bill "On State Youth Policy in Tomsk Oblast" was passed in its first reading, a special task group was established for further work on it which consisted of Duma members, representatives of the Oblast Administration and Tomsk Oblast Youth Parliament. Eventually, the bill in its final version clearly determines the objective and main tasks of the state youth policy: the law is intended to ensure governmental support for the young people in employment and housing issues, business development opportunities; provide assistance in exercising legitimate rights and interests of the youth. Among the main principles of the state youth policy is the provision of basic social services guaranteed by the state to the young, such as proper education, spiritual and physical development, health improvement, professional training, etc. The Youth Parliament of Tomsk Oblast insisted that its status be expressly stipulated in the law as a specially authorized body acting on behalf of the young and entitled to take part in social relationship management.

The bill "On Public-Private Partnership in Tomsk Oblast" was passed in the second reading. The bill is aimed at detailed determination of the procedure of Tomsk Oblast participation in public-private partnership, securing the bidding procedures for the implementation of public-private partnership projects, and determination of the procedures for conclusion of public-private partnership agreements.

The law is intended to create at the federal level a legal framework determining a uniform public policy in public-private partnership and regulation of relations involved in such partnership. There is a real need now to implement socially relevant projects using public-private partnership tools. To that effect, governmental agencies in the Russian Federation constituents have to handle challenging tasks aimed to create a legal framework for such projects, which is difficult due to lack of authority. Tomsk Oblast is one of those constituents.

The Oblast Duma voted to pass the bill "On Welfare Payments to Citizens for Purchase (Construction) of a Dwelling in Tomsk Oblast". In view of the financial crisis, the law can resolve a number of topical issues – it makes housing affordable and helps revive construction.

Under the law, the citizens of Tomsk Oblast registered before January 1, 2008 in local government agencies or in-house organizations as in need of a dwelling are eligible for public assistance in purchase of housing. This law has a very broad coverage – from public to commercial sector workers. The public assistance is mainly provided in the form of reimbursement from budgetary funds of 7% of mortgage loan interest within 3 years. However, public sector workers have another option – a lump sum welfare payment in an amount up to 250,000 rubles to return part of initial loan installment. The funds allocated to implement the law in 2009 amount to 100m rubles, and the number of beneficiaries may reach 3,000 people. It is projected that each budgetary ruble allocated to that effect will bring an amount seven times more to the construction industry.

The deputies reviewed a package of small and medium business bills.

In particular, they enacted in its second reading the bill "On Development of Small and Medium Business in Tomsk Oblast". The bill defines objectives and principles of participation of the Tomsk Oblast state authorities in implementing state small and medium business development policy; powers of Oblast authorities in this sphere; establishment procedure of coordinating or consultative bodies; regulates other powers arising while implementing the state small and medium business policy. The law introduces efficiency assessment criteria for small and medium business support in the region. In broad terms the document directs the authorities in creating favorable conditions for business development.

The deputies amended the Oblast Target Program on Small and Medium Business for 2008-2010.

The Oblast Administration spokesman reported that Tomsk Oblast had taken part in the contest for selection of the federal constituent entities to be subsidized in 2008 to subsequently finance measures implemented as part of small business support. With the limit of 39.5m rubles planned for Tomsk Oblast by the RF Ministry of Regional Development, the Oblast won 60.5m rubles.

Due to increase of small and medium business financing from the federal budget, total financing grew to 460.5m rubles.

Moreover, the Program underwent reallocation of funds among its activities within the financial limits for 2008 as per actual expenses owing to savings from the public purchases.

Another approach to support small innovation business will be a contest of innovation projects of small innovation companies. In two readings the deputies amended the Oblast Target Program on Development of Innovation Activity for 2006-2008. The amendment implies financing increase by 2m rubles coming from an additional federal financing. The funds were allocated for the contest of innovation projects developed by small innovation companies of the Tomsk SEZ to be organized in the current year. The contest directions are in line with those of the research and innovation zone.

During the break between the sittings Boris Maltsev, Speaker of the Tomsk Oblast State Duma, held his traditional media conference. Boris Maltsev, Speaker of the Tomsk Oblast State Duma
The Speaker stressed that amid the current conditions – when the global financial crisis is becoming economic - it takes efforts to pass laws aimed at social support thus requiring additional financing. However, a number of bills to that effect were adopted at the XXII Session.

Besides, a number of economic laws were passed. For instance, the law aimed at minimizing complications caused by the financial crisis – "On Development of Small and Medium Business in Tomsk Oblast". In the complex economic situation the state shall support small proprietors able to create additional workplaces.

‘I think’, underlined the Speaker, ‘we should emphasize support and creation of new small companies, new workplaces. Both the authorities and business shall be involved herein. We shall implement aggressive policy for social responsibility of business and authorities. We shall assign a task: in the short term to create 5 thousand new workplaces in the Oblast.

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