The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

October 30, 2008. XXI Session of the Tomsk Oblast State Duma

XXI Session of the Tomsk Oblast State Duma

The Tomsk Oblast State Duma introduced 39 issues for the agenda including 25 bills.
The Tomsk Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund budget for 2009 and for 2010-2011 planning period was passed in its first reading.

The bill was first introduced at the XX Session in September though without sufficient support. The deputies were unsatisfied with the rate of subsidies due for the region from the budget of the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund. Owing to the deputies’ principled stand and the Oblast Administration endeavor, their rate was increased. Revenues and expense of the Tomsk Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund budget for 2009 are estimated at 4.4bln rubles. The Fund budget expense for 2010 and 2011 will respectively total 4.7 and 5bln rubles.

The bill “On State Support of Regional and Local National-Cultural Autonomies in Tomsk Oblast” was passed in its second reading. The bill will enable stability of the state support for unique national cultures. Under the bill the autonomies will be financially backed in their activities, as well as Advisory Council on National-Cultural Autonomies Affairs will be established. Currently, 18 national and cultural autonomies are active in Tomsk Oblast, including two (Buryat and Tadzhik) registered in 2008.

Amendments to the Tomsk Oblast Law “On Provision of Special (Ambulance Airplane) Emergency Medical Aid in Tomsk Oblast” were adopted. The deputies guarantee the rights of the Tomsk Oblast citizens being temporarily outside the region to get special (ambulance airplane) emergency medical aid. As required, a patient will be taken to any Oblast hospital at the Oblast budget expense.

Amendments to the Tomsk Oblast Law “On Social Aid for Citizens with Dependent Children” were adopted. They assign measures of social support implying provision of poor family children with New Year presents at the Oblast budget expense. Previously the assets for children presents were allocated just on the eve of New Year holidays from the reserve fund. Starting with 2009 the required assets will be budgeted as part of planned work. New Year presents are intended for poor family children 1-10 years of age. In Tomsk Oblast there are over 45 thousand children of such. Nearly 6.3m rubles will be spent for presents.

A new award was adopted – decoration "Parental Valor" which will be conferred for upbringing children as dignified citizens and family institution consolidation. "Parental Valor" decoration is recognition of parental merits by the government, including those of foster parents who are bringing up or have brought up five or more children with decent support and education. The decision on conferring will be taken by the special commission which will also consider documents confirming the children's achievements in education, labor, creative work, and sport activities of the Oblast and country. Active public position of a family is important as well. Beside the decoration conferring a family will also be given money reward.

The bill “On State Youth Policy in Tomsk Oblast” was passed in its first reading. The bill determines principles, objectives, main directions and means of state youth policy implementation in Tomsk Oblast and aims at contributing to socialization, spiritual and physical development of the youth, realization of its potential for the benefits of the society.

The document has determined the main directions of the state youth policy: state support to the youth in labor and occupation, in developing business activity of the youth, housing of young families. Moreover, guaranteed support is to be provided for the talented youth, socially useful youth initiatives, patriotic education of young citizens, summer rest and health improvement of young people, social adaptation and assistance to international youth cooperation.

The Law “On the Tomsk Oblast Green Areas Protection” was passed in its second reading. The bill was prepared for regulatory provision of green areas protection in the Tomsk Oblast towns and settlements. The bill sets norms for area limits of public green territories per capita for towns and settlements of Tomsk Oblast. For towns with population over 100 thousand people – 24.6 sq. meters; up to 100 thousand people – 20.6 sq. meters.

Amendments to the Oblast Law "On Transport Tax” were adopted. Starting with January 1, 2009 transport tax will be increased by 40%. The increase will regard automobiles and trucks, powerboats, motor boats with motor capacity over 150HP; yachts and wave runners over 100HP; snowmobiles and motor sledges over 50HP; as well as planes and helicopters. This tax has not been increased since 2004 and was the lowest as compared to other Siberian regions. With the tax increase the Oblast budget will additionally gain 106.6m rubles.

The deputies approved new objects to be financed under the Oblast Target Program “Fire Safety at the Tomsk Oblast Budgetary Facilities for 2008-2010”. It was possible to finance activities at four regional health care facilities owing to saving 2m rubles during the Fire Safety Oblast Program implementation. Besides, the Duma introduced amendments to the Tomsk Oblast Law "On Fire Safety" which promote efficiency of educating citizens in fire safety measures and fire prevention outreach.

The deputies adopted the bill “On Development of Small and Medium Business in Tomsk Oblast” in its first reading. The bill specifies objectives and principles of participation of the Tomsk Oblast governmental authorities in implementing state policy on development of small and medium business. Moreover, the bill identifies the powers of the Oblast governmental authorities in this sphere, sets the procedure of establishing coordinating and consultative bodies, and regulates other powers. The bill differentiated powers among the Tomsk Oblast governmental authorities in the sphere of development of small and medium business. The new law sets forth the rights of the authorities and business in a more comprehensive and at the same time more detailed manner.

During "A Governor’s Hour" the deputies were addressed with the information on the Tomsk Oblast economy state and prospects of its development amid financial markets crisis.

During the break between the sittings Boris Maltsev, Speaker of the Tomsk Oblast State Duma, held his traditional media conference.

The Speaker stressed that amid the current conditions - global financial crisis - it takes efforts to pass laws requiring additional financing. And particular when additional financing is in question. However, he focused the journalists’ attention particularly on the new Law "On Development of Small and Medium Business in Tomsk Oblast”. The principal distinction from the previous law – not only small entrepreneurs are covered by the Law but the medium business as well which needs to be developed and which should be given support in its development from the government.

By introducing amendments to the Law “On the Oblast Budget Expenses for Investment and Innovation Activities in Tomsk Oblast for 2008” (480m rubles are added for these goals) – the deputies enhance the ‘development budget’. And so this year it will total 5.5bln rubles.

In any case, most of the journalists’ questions concerned possible consequences of the financial crisis for Tomsk Oblast, and what measures should be taken. The Speaker expressed his viewpoint as follows:

“For us, for the budget, the most terrible consequence is the oil price plummet. The budget revenues part was estimated based on the oil price of 95 US dollars per barrel. And today it is far lower. However, I am sure that in any case we will fulfill the commitments to education, health care, culture and sport, and protection of citizens. Main commitments will be fulfilled in any case. Yes, the “development budget” can possibly be cut next year. Anyway, we need to attract more private capitals to the Oblast: for construction of roads and new nurseries, for health care and certainly to business itself”.

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