The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

First Female Forum

The International Female Congress Women’s Movement and Modern World was held in mid August in Kazan. Galina Nemtseva, deputy of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast, Chairperson of the Committee for Family, Motherhood (Fatherhood) and Children, took part in the forum.

The Congress gathered in Tatarstan over 400 women from 18 countries such as China, the UK, Sweden, Iran, Brazil, Cuba, Ruanda, Algeria, etc. and Russian regions. Sponsors of the Congress were the regional public organization Women of Tatarstan and the Agency of Information and Business Communications.

How to involve women into the international process? What do they need to effectively partake in the economy modernization and set-up of meaningful dialog in all strata of the society? These and other questions were discussed by politicians, deputies of all levels, heads of the authorities and public organizations, business elite, researchers and representatives of the public organizations such as Women of the UN, UNESCO, African Businesswomen’s association, etc.

Heads of departments of Kazan Federal University, doctors and PhDs spoke to the participants about the results of international educational projects of the University, experience of using PR projects in solving humanitarian and social problems, solutions in gender policy, motherhood and childhood, development of charity.

“The Forum has set the first platform for discussing many vital questions. It will foster further development of the female movement, enhance the dialog between the authorities and the society, promote socially important initiatives. I regret to say that even though the current situation in Russian managerial structure can boast of 70% of women, this percentage drops pro rata to a position rise – the higher the position, the fewer women are likely to be seen there”, said Galina Nemtseva after the forum. “The delegates from other states shared their experience of implementing successful and rather interesting initiatives in various countries. At the end of the forum we agreed upon the necessity to undertake a number of measures and adopted the final resolution. As an example, we signed the Declaration against resolution of any conflicts by military means and for integrating efforts to render assistance in remediation of the civil conflict in the South-East of Ukraine. A number of documents born at the Forum will be submitted to international organizations thereafter”.

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