The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

Results of contest among young scientists and young hopefuls

young scientists On April 03, over 260 contestants of the 11th Contest of the Oblast Duma among young scientists and young hopeful came on the stage of the Drama Theatre. They were the heroes of the day at the welcome reception held by the Oblast Duma in their honor.

Over 500 people: nominees and winners, their scientific supervisors, rectors, Tomsk university professors, Oblast school teachers and Oblast deputies got together in the big but cozy hall of the Tomsk Drama Theatre. The independent expert jury selected 36 winners: 20 pupils and 16 young scientists and students among 263 participants – young scientists, students and pupils who submitted their works in 2013 in different categories.

"We close the contest during U-NOVUS (Tomsk Forum for Young Scientists), and during this anniversary year for Tomsk Oblast, Tomsk and Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast. This made our contest special', said Oksana Kozlovskaya, Speaker of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast, in her greeting speech. ‘Today we also honor the youngest participants – pupils of the fourth form. Someone said that it is on trend to be smart but not profitable. I believe this was not said about Tomsk and those who came here today. You are so much lucky to have a chance to make yourselves already now, try to implement your ambitions and goals in this life already now. You live in the region which is well-known far beyond the Russian borders, in the world, as the leader in innovative economy. We house a great number of young people, students."

The Speaker wished the participants to go strong as scientists, to get the appetite to what they are occupied with: creativity, search and research.

The deputies greeted contestants in each of four categories, handed the certificates and commemorative prizes. At the end of the ceremony Oksana Kozlovskaya and Lyudmila Ogorodova rewarded the winners, handed the presents to the youngest contestants, as well as letters of acknowledgement, certificates of honor of the Legislative Duma and a prize for the special category.


Year over year the numbers of those willing to try hand at a fair contest of intellect and talent grows steadily. And for 11 years it has reached 2,350 people. Dozens of winners study and work in Russia and abroad, obtain great results in science and business, amaze the world by their non-standard approach to matters and ingenuity. This year Dmitry Prokopyev, the Laureate of the Legislative Duma Award, young scientist from the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, got the Nobel Medal for three inventions, including a nuclear battery which can work for 12 years without recharging.

Title "Laureate of the Award of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast" is awarded to young scientists for fundamental research making invaluable contribution to science development, as well as for development and assimilation of state-of-the-art machinery, materials and technologies; and to the young hopeful – for excellent marks in studies, high results in discipline-related academic competitions, research work.

A special category "Parliamentary Matters: Scientific Approach" was established in honor of 20th anniversary of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast.

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