The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

January 30, 2014. 27th Session of the Duma of the 5th convocation

27th Session of the DumaThe 27th session of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast of the 5th convocation took place on January 30. The video stream of the session is available online. The agenda of the session and the bills submitted for consideration by the deputies are posted on the Duma website.

Duma Speaker Oksana Kozlovskaya opened the session with her traditional address to the deputies.

Summary of the Speaker’s speech


27th Session of the DumaThe deputies introduced amendments to the law On the Oblast budget for 2014 and the planning period of 2015 and 2016, in two readings. Total revenues of the 2014 Oblast budget were increased by 28.5m rubles through expanding the scope of the Oblast-owned property privatization program. This amount will be used to reduce the budget deficit.

The revenues of the amended 2014 budget now total 47.7bn rubles, including tax and non-tax revenues of 39.9bn rubles; non-repayable receipts of 7.8bn rubles. The expenditures total 50.8bn rubles. The deficit is 3.1bn rubles or 7.86% of the revenues without non-repayable receipts. The deputies amended the relevant annexes accordingly.


The deputies passed amendments to the Oblast law On social support for physically challenged people in Tomsk Oblast in two readings. The amendments allow people with impaired hearing to use the services of a sign language interpreter when petitioning the government. The law was passed in the final reading.


The deputies amended the Oblast law On legal status of persons holding public offices in Tomsk Oblast. They approved creation of a new public office of Ombudsman for Business Rights, the applicable salary and a standard rate for estimating the salary pool for the fiscal year.

27th Session of the DumaThe salary and the standard rate for estimating the annual salary pool were established in the same fashion as for the existing Ombudsmen — Ombudsman for Human Rights and Ombudsman for Children in Tomsk Oblast.


The deputies backed two agenda items on making amendments to the Charter of Tomsk Oblast. The first amendment reflects the adoption of the Oblast law on the Ombudsman for Business Rights. Creation of a new institution implies creation of a new public office in Tomsk Oblast.

The second amendment was initiated by the Oblast Prosecutor. He suggested that the Oblast Administration set up a media website for online publication of the legislative acts of Tomsk Oblast along with the printed publication.


The deputies considered in the first reading amendments to the law On special-purpose housing in Tomsk Oblast. The amendments provide more opportunities to purchase housing for large low-income families. The amended law allows buying larger housing than established by the law if the permitted price limit is not exceeded.

Currently, the law sets a limit on the area of housing provided to large families and does not allow them to buy larger housing even if the price does not exceed permitted limits. At the same time there are many lower-price offers of larger apartments in the housing market. The amended law will make them more accessible.

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