The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

December 20, 2012. 15th Session of the Duma of the 5th convocation

15th Session of the DumaThe agenda of the session and the bills submitted for consideration by the deputies were published on the Duma website beforehand. The session was broadcast online.

Oksana Kozlovskaya, Duma Speaker opened the session with her traditional address to the deputies (Summary of the Speaker’s speech).

Oleg Gromov talked about the need to support small and medium-sized business.

CPRF faction deputy Anton Sharypov called on the Duma deputies to adopt urgent measures to stop cutting funds on liberal arts education.

Sergey Guba and Sergey Bryansky raised the issue of shutting down the Tomsk – Bely Yar railway branch. Galina Nemtseva suggested having an in-depth discussion of the projected construction of BREST-300 fast reactor in Seversk.

Tomsk Oblast Governor Sergey Zhvachkin commented on the issues raised by the deputies in their statements.
“I would like to clarify on the construction of the reactor. The document signed between the region and Rosatom is just a letter of intent. Neither the Russian Government nor Rosatom have made any final decision to build it. If such decision is taken, a public hearing will be held without any doubt. So far there is nothing to argue about.

“As for the train to Bely Yar, let me assure everybody that it went, goes and will go there. It is no question that the route will stay. However, there are different ways to approach it. Soon a right solution will be found.”

The budget of the Tomsk Oblast Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund for the next three years was adopted in the second reading. According to the Fund Director Viktor Kozlov, in the current version of the Fund’s budget for 2013 the revenues and expenditures were reduced by 12.3m rubles and made equal – 9.6bn rubles – due to a reduction in the interbudgetary transfer from the Oblast budget to finance emergency medical services.

The medical payroll contingency will total 991.5m rubles, in accordance with the Presidential Decree. The normalized reserve funds remained unchanged and totaled 302.9m rubles.

The deputies made amendments to the law of Tomsk Oblast On the budget of the Tomsk Oblast Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund for 2012 and the planning period of 2013 and 2014. They adjusted 2012 budget, with revenues and expenditures items increased by 410,979,500 rubles each.

The deputies considered in the second reading the bill of Tomsk Oblast On the Oblast budget for 2012 and the planning period of 2013 and 2014 which reflects the resolutions of the Conciliation Committee. The draft 2013 budget was revised in the following manner.

– Revenues were increased by 1.061bn rubles
– Expenditures were increased by 3.9bn rubles
– Deficit was budgeted at 2.8bn rubles or 7.8% of the revenues without non-repayable receipts
– National debt of Tomsk Oblast was increased by 3.2bn rubles

The 2013 budget retained its social dimension. Social and cultural spending in the Oblast budget for 2013 accounts for 64% (28.5bn rubles); spending on national economy, public utilities sector, and environmental protection totals 16% (7bn rubles); national defense, safety, and law enforcement 2% (0.9bn rubles).

Spending from own revenues will be increased in the following areas.

– 3.427bn rubles to increase payroll for certain categories of employees of state-funded organizations, in accordance with the Presidential Decrees
– 50m rubles for major repairs in apartment buildings in Tomsk Oblast. Total spending in 2013 – 100m rubles
– 25m rubles for the long-term target program “Clean Water for Tomsk Oblast 2017”. Total spending in 2013 – 100m rubles
– 45m rubles to provide subsidies to local budgets from the Road Fund. Total spending in 2013 – 463.9m rubles
– 1.8m rubles for the long-term target program “Prevention of Offences and Drug Addiction in Tomsk Oblast (2010-2013)”. Total spending in 2013 – 9m rubles
– 100m rubles to increase the contingency fund of the Tomsk Oblast Administration

In the end, the 2013 Oblast budget revenues total 41.5bn rubles and expenditures 44.4bn rubles. Revenues and expenditures of the 2014 and 2015 budgets are expected to total 43.8bn rubles each and 49.1bn rubles each respectively.

The deputies unanimously voted to adopt the budget for 2013 and the planning period of 2014 and 2015 in the second reading. The deputies also passed in the second reading a satellite law On Oblast budget expenditure to support investment and innovation activity in Tomsk Oblast in 2013. The Oblast budget provides 2.8bn rubles for this area.

Key expenditure items are:

– Budget investments in capital construction of public property (public roads, public utilities infrastructure facilities, health care and sports facilities)
– Allocations from the budget to support innovation activity (subsidies for investment projects, government support for small and medium business) and subsidies for farmers to partially reimburse cost of machinery and equipment and investment loan interest rates.

The deputies made amendments to a number of legislative acts of Tomsk Oblast related to provision of housing to orphans and children deprived of parental care. They modified the headcount determination methodology for the local guardianship authorities protecting the rights and legitimate interests of orphans and children deprived of parental care. The staff size was increased by 5.5 staff units.

Additional funds budgeted by the region in 2013 to that end are 2.2m rubles.

The deputies voted for amendments to the law on provision of interbudgetary transfers in relation to the funds allocated to the city of Tomsk. The municipal entity “City of Tomsk” won the second prize in the national contest “Best Performing City (Town) of Russia 2011” and was awarded a diploma and a monetary prize of 5,550,000 rubles paid from the federal budget. The amendments will not require any additional Oblast budget spending.

The deputies considered last amendments to the 2012 Oblast budget. Total revenues were increased by 520.9m rubles due to federal budget allocations; total expenditures by 623.6m rubles; and the deficit by 102.7m rubles.

The amendments were passed in two readings. The revenues of the amended 2012 budget will total 42.2bn rubles and expenditures 43.8bn rubles. The deputies also passed amendments to the law on Oblast budget spending on investment and innovation activity which increase the total amount of spending in that area in 2012 by 322m rubles to total 4.9bn rubles.

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