The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

Address by Boris MALTSEV at the LII Session of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast (September 29, 2011)

The Speaker started his address with a word on the global economic situation: the global economic situation is about to enter a parlous phase. Experts are forecasting the second wave of the global crisis. The global financial system is jeopardized by the eurozone debt crisis.

Portuguese, Greek and Italian economies still demonstrate negative trends. What brings these countries together? Each of them has unreasonably huge budget expenditures. Now there is only one prescription: recovery of public finance through reduction of deficit, public debt, and citizens’ income. No-one would begrudge on the situation of the deputies and governments of these countries. It is perilous to deprive the citizens of their benefits. All this once again teaches us here in Tomsk not to pad the expenditure and increase debts!

The current situation is causing political destabilization. In stable and trouble-free France opposition won the latest Senate elections. For the first time in the history of the Fifth Republic the Upper Chamber of the Parliament will be controlled by the opposition.

The election campaign in Russia is gaining momentum. All political parties which can contest in the elections have held their conventions, approved both lists of candidates and electoral programs.

September 24 was marked by an event which was already named a determiner for further development of our country. United Russia convention with over 10,000 participants put an end to the months-long political suspense. Dmitry Medvedev took the lead in the party campaign list. Vladimir Putin will be nominated for the presidency and, if the party confirms its status of the ruling party as a result of the elections, Dmitry Medvedev will become the Prime Minister.
The electoral list approved at the convention includes only a little more than a half of the present-day deputies. A third of the list is non-party representatives of the People’s Front who were successful in the primaries. The party’s electoral program is based on the abstracts of the President and Prime Minister’s addresses.

The convention has demonstrated that United Russia had reached the elections with an enormous pool of executed work. Everything what we have managed to do in the country for the last five years is owed to the party, and what we have failed to achieve is to the party again. United Russia does not swear off this, it takes the responsibility for everything happening in the country.

One of the priority projects is further development of the Technical Innovation Zone in Tomsk. “I have recently visited the Southern Site of the SEZ. I cannot find the words to express my impressions! One must see it with their own eyes. That is really a city of innovations. A factory of new enterprises. Tremendous work has been done this year to create the SEZ infrastructure. (And, by the way, our Governor Viktor Kress was directly involved in this work,” the Speaker said.
We need to continue bringing order to areas such as the financial system, road construction, beautification of blocks courtyards, creation of innovative companies and innovative infrastructure. The main objective of all these activities is to create really comfortable conditions for dwelling in the city, district centers, villages and, finally, in the streets and houses where our voters live.

That was about the elections.
Now let’s turn to a topic leaping from the pages of the Tomsk and federal mass media. Our football sufferings have certain regularity: the worse people live the more ardently they want to feel the joy of any victory. For the deprived part of the population football has become a sort of the way to escape hardships and become happy for at least a short time. The football victory, especially in the Premier League, allows forgetting anything bad. The Duma has never allocated money either for the football players or the football organizers. The Duma has provided money (and I have repeatedly mentioned it) to numerous football fans, our voters. The Duma has given and continues to give the citizens with modest incomes an opportunity for to watch sport events of the world level. If the contemporaries cannot appreciate it, the future generations will do this, I assure you. At least I dream of it.

About the agenda
48 issues are on the agenda.
The main issue is certainly the bill of Tomsk Oblast “On the Oblast Budget for 2012 and planning period of 2013 and 2014.”
I call everyone for efficient work.
I declare the LII Session of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast open.

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