The Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast

March 10, 2011. Tomsk relishes the idea of erecting
a monument to The Beatles

Tomsk citizens` dream of coming across the Beatles on a street in Tomsk

Rector of Siberian State Medical University, deputy of the Legislative Duma of Tomsk Oblast Vyacheslav Novitsky supported the idea of erecting a sculpture in Tomsk to honor the legendary quartet proposed by sculptors Nikolai and Anton Gnedykh.

The news about bronze The Beatles coming into town and the local authorities’ support of the idea has been circulating on the RuNet for two weeks now. It has both ardent supporters and vigorous critics.

Vyacheslav Novitsky suggested inviting Paul McCartney to attend the opening ceremony in order to attract global attention to Tomsk. Of course, chances are very little but if Sir Paul McCartney really comes to Tomsk, it will be a significant event for the entire country. “Yesterday I got a call from Germany. I was surprised to learn that there is a Beatles fan club who are willing to support our idea. We really do not mean eternizing anyone’s memory or name. It will rather be an item of park sculpture. Here in Tomsk we have only a few small sculptures of high artistic value. We want to stress the importance of The Beatles phenomenon for the younger generation. To my mind, it is obviously a positive and good-looking project.”

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